creating freedom through deep healing and practical strategy.

A podcast in sacred space with Ash to explore healing, breaking patterns and designing the life you desire and deserve as a creational woman leveling up her life and lineage.

Ash Johns | Ancestral Healing and Conscious Business for Personal Freedom.

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We’re going a little deeper than in this episode, diving into bringing the unconscious, conscious and how that benefits generational healing.

In this episode of It’s Still Happening, Ash walks you through desires and poses the question “What if those desires don’t get met?”

Best advice EVER for those of us who’ve always felt different, still trying to fit in, STILL looking to belong somehow…this is for you <3

Ash Johns | Ancestral Healing and Conscious Business for Personal Freedom.

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Who’s speaking, who’s teaching?
It’s me, Ash!


Ash Johns—certified Psycho-Spiritual Life Coach, Ancestral Healer, Business Strategist, speaker and writer.

She lives at the intersection of deep healing and practical strategy for freedom, abundance and cultural change.

Ash believes our greatest recurring trauma—both personally and collectively—is in how we’ve been taught to survive in this world, and that the key to thriving lies in returning to ourselves, our roots and our spiritual practices.

Ash has been blessed with the gifts of mediumship and psychic abilities her entire life, assumed the positive of generational pattern breaker at the age of 8, and considers herself a bridge between human and spirit. She supports leaders, visionaries and spiritual entrepreneurs in identifying and healing the inherited core wounds stopping them from living in their purpose, leveling up and influencing positive change in the world.

She has a Bachelors of Science with Cum Laude honors, industry trained and certified Qualitative Researcher and moderator specializing in methodology design; 10+ years in advertising, branding, market research industry.

Ash’s mission is to help inspire freedom, love, abundance and belonging in our lives, businesses and workplaces.

Ash Johns | Ancestral Healing and Conscious Business for Personal Freedom.