S2 | EP3: What ancestral healing is and ain't, IMO



There’s a lot of talk about ancestors these days, just check the hashtag #ancestralhealing #ancestralmedicine #ancestralwisdom and you’ll be surprised. But it wasn’t like this for the general public 4-5 years ago. That’s when I really started to accept and lean into this work as what I was really doing behind my amazing conscious brand and business strategy sessions working with spiritual and wellness entrepreneurs, but wasn’t quite ready to admit.


Inside This Episode

Today’s episode of It’s Still Happening is all about what ancestral healing is and what it’s not, in my humble but also knowledgeable opinion.

We also explore How and why would you want to shift the energy of the dead ones, the ancestors?

  • The way someone lived isn’t necessarily the way they still are on the other side

  • Bitterness, rage, disappointment, depression, can all linger with a spirit,

  • So can the good stuff, like the joy and unique talents.

  • When you call for spirits to help you, and you haven’t elevated them, they may just magnify old patterns

In my e-book Lay of the Lands, I outline 8 ways into ancestral healing for you to explore. GET YOUR FREE COPY: https://bit.ly/LayoftheLandspodcast

Whatever came up for you today, share it with me on IG @AshInspires! I'd love to connect with you online at ashleyjohns.com.

If you’re ready to make bigger waves and heal your entire lineage, join the month-to-month membership community of Healing Is Happening at healingishappeningforme.com

I look forward to witnessing you move forward on your path!  May you and your people be well on the lands in which you get to work, live, and thrive on. And remember, healing is happening. May you walk your path with courage and compassion.