I'm honored and incredibly blessed to do the work that I do. I'm grateful my clients share their journeys and words of appreciation with me and you. Below are just a few testimonials from clients along the years...
I'm honored and incredibly blessed to do the work that I do. I'm grateful my clients share their journeys and words of appreciation with me and you. Below are just a few testimonials from clients along the years...
The key I didn’t know I needed for the door I hesitated to open. She held space for me to do what was innately coded within me—listen to the whispers from my ancestors to go deeper. Understanding the ”what was” and seeing how it’s impacting my experience of ”now”. Our work together has flourished my life in all areas.
My offering to my clients has deepened and I'm crystal clear on who I'm called to work with in this season of my life. Being this clear allowed me to go full force with no reservations. Stepping completely into and under the mantle of my life's work. Forever grateful <3”
— Vella Ellerbe
“My work with Ash has been nothing short of life-changing. Ash's skill, compassion, insight are beyond compare.
I came to Ash for support in my equity, justice-oriented work—I received that support and so much more. I am a better human, mother, partner, and friend, with insights into how all the things in my life are connected, and how these are all connected to the past.
With Ash, I developed skills to navigate a way forward, with more courage, compassion, and purpose.”
“Ancestral Healing was a completely new concept for me and I loved and appreciated how Ash would guide me when I needed guidance, and would lovingly support me in exploring my Truth. There was no way I could do it "wrong" and Ash helped me trust in my own guidance and inner wisdom. I was able to recognize the ways in which my internalized white supremacy had made me averse to connecting with my Korean roots, and through my work with Ash I was able to observe and work through that aversion and start cultivating reverence and appreciation for who I am and where I came from.”
“My session with Ash came at a pivotal time - undoubtedly universally timed - it was moving and validating in so many ways. I left feeling so in-tune, aligned, and supported not just by my Ancestors and Guides, but also by other forces that I can’t quite put into words. The advice and things that came through were profound - some of them I didn’t quite grasp at the moment, but as time went on, I would have an “aha - this is it! This is what they were trying to tell me!” moment. I’m very much looking forward to my next session and the course, and to see where this path leads. I am so grateful for you, Ash. Thank you for being such a powerful light.”
— Anais Ganouna, digital Marketing Consultant
I've learned things from Ash that have forever changed the way I understand and interact with my ancestors - not just for my healing and my benefit but for the healing and highest good of my entire ancestral lineage. Before our work together, I was feeling defeated because of the financial situation I found myself in despite my best efforts. I was unsure what would come of our work together but I knew I needed help beyond the physical realm. After our work together, I feel confident in the areas I previously felt blocked in. I’ve established a deeper connection with the my ancestral lineages.”
This allowed for our work to go very deep, very quickly, and to become truly transformative for me. Before working with Ash, I had a compelling vision for my work in the world but I was emotionally overwhelmed and confused about how to deliver it to my people. Since, I feel clear and grounded in my work and purpose, with systems in place to support me, and with a clear vision for the future. If you’re wanting to work with Ash, prepare yourself to be real and raw, all the time. Be ready to really get to the root of things that are holding you back, and be willing to show up for the work!”
—Michelle Coleman, Akashic Records Teacher
It's actively breaking an entrenched belief that I'm not capable or worthy of connection, which has ripple effects through my whole life. I love that I now have the tools to connect with them on my own after our work has ended.
Also, connection with them and exploration with you put a spotlight on the ways I want to be in relationship with my ancestors and the rest of the world; less transactional, less manipulative, more loving. I felt very held in the space, especially as someone super new to ancestral work. I really appreciated having such a kind and knowledgeable guide through what initially was a scary process and over time became much less so. You gave me permission to approach my spirituality in an entirely new way and I'm so grateful!”
— Luca* (privacy request honored)
I was able to tap into some really deep places and I feel like I am now the truest version of me I've ever been. I am sure that is why everything just seems to be flowing now. You helped me find the missing pieces of the puzzle!Ever since we finished our sessions together, it's been like someone opened the floodgates and there has been a steady flow of ideas and creation ever since. Everything is starting to come together.
My ideas and purpose are finally taking shape.I will fully embody my truth. I thought I was before, but it was only on the surface. I will cherish the way you pushed me past my comfort sometimes and the way you showed up so authentically. I hope to apply that to the way I run my business and interact with my students and clients.”
—Taylor Brandon
I am able to set up my days in a way where I can be more productive and focused, but also approach my work with much more ease, grace, self-love, and compassion. There is a flow and a tenderness that I have access to that includes me making much more time to take care of myself before I care for others. This has opened up space for me to be much more creative, to move to a pace that really supports my relationships and my lifestyle, and to have an overall improvement in both my quality of life as well as quite an uptick in my finances as well.
There is a levity to my work and to my relationships with all of my projects that I have never experienced before. The beautiful surprise is that I haven't lost any of my passion or professionalism, I have gained so much through the process of loving myself and caring for myself as I work. Ash, I cherish you as a person, a peer, a colleague, and a friend. I think the process of our work together was as impactful as the work-product and the findings.
So much of the ways that I feel inspired to grow is through my connections and relationships, and the amount of safety that you provided to me in a time when I was feeling very scared and vulnerable was life changing. Your ability to stay with me, even when I was struggling with change, was life affirming and is deeply appreciated. This has stayed with me and will remain with me as I continue to grow and make additional adjustments.”
— Shanequa Anderson
Ash is an amazing leader and guide who whole heartedly poured so much intention into the container. She is both grounded and ethereal. I loved connecting to an ancestor that was ancient and elevated, something that I have never been able to do before on my own. I loved feeling supported from both her, this group container, and the ancestral realm. I loved the way Ash balances receiving support from her and receiving support from our peers and spirit team.
— Melissa Barayang
“Working with Ash has been incredibly life changing for me.
I feel held in a way for me to evolve beyond what I knew was possible.
My self worth had shifted to levels I have never experienced in this lifetime, I have shifted my entire business model to a structure that is sustainable, and I feel seen! I went from essentially giving my services away to feeling held, and moving into an actual career. These sessions have helped me confirm and take into action what I have known for myself all along, but didn’t know how to do on my own.
Family dynamics have tangibly changed as well- as lineages are healed I have watched my sisters step into their power more than ever before, as well as I am able to easily set boundaries and stand in my own truth.
This shit is life-altering, mind-blowing, and incredible beautiful!
Thank you Ash, for showing up for you, it has given me permission to show up for me!
Highly, HIGHLY recommend!
— Genevieve folkdahl
Dropping in, be guided into chambers of history, spirituality and connection that I wouldn't have been able to access otherwise. The shift in perspective from my life as just my own - to feeling it as a woven fabric linked with others. In ancestral healing my shifts included new relationships to hummingbirds, certain lands and certain foods - going from living more ontop of life to a greater sense of being inside of life. That my ancestors, my people, the elements - are present and able to be connected with.
A connective and honorable manner for greeting new people and new lands - a recognition that within any person or place a legacy lives.
Intentional awareness connecting with my partners lineage through story, food and history - knowing that the connection between him and I is not JUST us but also our ancestors. Relationship is joyful, rich and connective.
— elyna anderson
— Loni Swain Celebrity Media Personality, Blogger and Podcaster
My ancestors guided me into learning the different and profound ways dance can heal me, my family, and the collective. I learned and reconnected to my role and responsibility to my family. I connected and reclaimed my psychic abilities, creativity, prophetic and poetic abilities, speaking truth to power, and the elements. I learned how to create my own rituals to keep me grounded, connected, supported, and guided. Access to my ancestors to shift my energy and get their blessing, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed, confused, or stuck.
There has definitely been healing within my immediate family. There is more peace, love, and ability to work through our problems. My brother and mother have not had an explosive argument since our work together. There is more stability and support. My relationship with my mom feels more mature. We respect and honor each other as women.
I conducted 3 workshops for the school district's racial justice conference event on Changing the way we relate to children for a brighter future. I received great feedback from teachers, school psychologists, and administrators and went on to do THREE workshops in my new business venture.
— Michelle Morales
Her gift in witnessing you, holding SAFE space for you, connecting you with your ancestors, giving you massive permission to follow what feels true for you, and bringing the clarity through with so much love & realness... DAMN.
I love, love, LOVE her approach that combines both the energetic AND the tangible, the spiritual AND the somatic for healing on multiple layers.
I feel so at ease, warm, held, and insanely supported continuing into this next phase of my journey.
Thank you thank you thank you, Ash. I'm already looking forward to next time!"
— Olivia S.
“I hired Ash during a successful but transitional time in my work. I had created something meaningful and heartfelt and was able to sell it, however I had learned marketing tactics that were no longer spiritually aligned and was attached to the belief that if I did my business a different way it would fail.
Working with Ash got to the root of these beliefs on a soul and ancestral level, but also strategically allowed me to deprogram myself from the tactics that cause harm within myself and see them more clearly in my work.
I am no longer over-giving, under-selling or using coercion in my marketing. I am able to let my work speak for itself. And because of this, I had my biggest launch yet in numbers and most peaceful launch within myself. I feel proud of my work, my team and the work Ash and I did to make my business aligned to the person I am and to help me see blindspots due to privilege and tactics handed down from online marketing I'd not seen as harmful. I am thankful for Ash's kind, honest and intuitive heart helping guide me back to who I really am as a CEO, creative and spiritual teacher through this process.”
— Madison Morrigan, internationally acclaimed life coach
I worked with Ash during a single day intensive to get clarity on what to offer my audience, the modality in which to create my offers and a deeper understanding of the spiritual component to my business. Ash was instrumental in me finding my passion and making it relevant to my community. During our single day immersion Ash came prepared with research about my current business, my target market and effective ways to communicate my message through branding, copy writing and inclusive imagery. Working with Ash felt effortless but extremely efficient.
During our work together Ash provided me with a blueprint of the day's activities and specifically what we would be working on. I never felt like I was being bombarded with activities that would not enhance my business or as if she just trying to sell me ad on's and additional content.
I would recommend Ash over and over for any business that seeks run a sustainable conscious business. Ash will help you develop the tools to ensure you are meeting your customers needs in an engaging, honest and inclusive way. It's an added bonus that she has a business backbone with proven results, is great at branding and is reliable. I learned of Ash's services through a podcast " A little Juju" and hearing her speak about her work with so much passion and expertise made me a believer and has turned me into a customer. Her social media presence is full of tips and tools for creating and sustaining a conscious business.
— Alece Coleman
I am so honored to know her as a sister friend, healer colleague, and sprit led business woman. after our first session, I felt the celebration of our people meeting, hovering over my head. I could feel this was a good human I could trust in a time where scarcity & oppressive wounds are relentless. Her groundedness, intentionality, and sincerity are felt and consistently true. Ash really does want to see our communities transcend, across realms, for them, for us, for real. I love her and am looking forward to witnessing her work and presence breathe into many.”
— Dr. Shena Young
Ash provided me a sense of profound freedom I’ve never experienced before. The space she holds for her clients is sacred. I always felt deeply understood and supported during our sessions. Leveraging spiritual wisdom with practical strategies and marketing expertise, she helped me build a foundation for my brand that truly aligns with my soul’s mission.
At the end of our time together, I had a beautiful brandbook that feels as if she took all of the words I couldn’t express right from my heart and onto paper.
She leaves a loving and meaningful imprint on the lives that she touches. I am proud of the work we’ve done together and the healing it will bring to so many. With the upmost gratitude to Source for bringing us together, I hope her impact spans around the world so that all entrepreneurs can build conscious businesses.”
— Kristine McGlinchey-Yap
She helped me find clarity in my business to clearly articulate my work to others, while allowing us to trust the ancestors, spirit, and intuition.
She challenged me to think more deeply about myself, my relationships, and my work in a structured, yet spirit filled way.
The moments where we would just chat about life, that may not directly involve the immediate work, but allowed me to process general 'life things' that affect my business had more impact that I initially realized.
Personally, I felt like I had a real supporter in my corner committed to helping me grow. Thank you so much for being everything that you are, Ash. I don't know how I would be moving forward in the ways that I am without you blessing me.”
— JujuBae, award-nominated Podcaster
“Spiritual Business and Conscious Strategy helped me to powerfully narrow down my own values so that I'm certain of what's important with my own business and centered in myself. Ash doesn't push her own ideas onto you, rather she allows you space to form your own. It's a very powerful space.”
— Taylor Laurenne
“I loved working with Ash! It was a seamless process from start to finish. She was able to capture and mirror back my personality, method of work and true desires into a complete branding and business package (and then I came back again for copywriting!) that I refer back to often. If you’re thinking of working with her, DO IT.”
— Renee Vernon
“Ash is a warm, gentle, kind, wise, funny, understanding and authentic human. As a facilitator she brings an expansive energy to the community and encourages us to try a different way of connecting our body with our spirit. I appreciate her perspective and the great practical techniques she shares!”
— Alice Feng, Chinese Medicine Physician
I've seen more engagement on my website after making the branding shifts that Ash and I discussed too. She is kind, transparent, intentional, and intuitive in her work and I truly feel supported having her on my team. It has helped me to step further into my light and my gifts, and our work together was a pivotal moment in my business.
Bridging the gap between spirituality and business was not something I was familiar with and Ash sets the example of how to do it AND guides with love and grace. She just gets it.”
— KyAira Carter
She is easily able to move you into a place of clarity and depth that allows for your brand to reach its audience on another level.”
— Chelcee Loraine, Writer, Poet and Assistant Editor, Simon & Schuster Publishing