My life is devoted to receiving and cultivating more love and freedom.
I know that's what our souls already know is most needed in the world but has been buried by life and lineage experiences.
I’m a certified psychospiritual life coach, ancestral healer, and conscious business strategist.
Yup, it’s a mouthful, I know.
I also know how most people in this world carry some kind of wounds with them. Call them curses, if you want, but I’ve got a different way of seeing them. They’re deep, debilitating wounds that need some deep dive work to heal.
I’ve gone my whole life with this intuitive ability of feeling the uncertainties and struggles of the people around me and the situations we’re all in. I’ve always had the spiritual gift of seeing into the “other world” and always knew the big picture was even bigger than most people thought.
Curious about my path and how I arrived in this work?
Keep reading…
Whatever curse, burden, learned behavior or generational struggles you’ve been experiencing… well, there’s a reason they exist. Whatever you’re carrying today has been carried long before you. Today, yesterday, 1,000 years ago, 1,000 years from now: it’s all connected.
My job is to guide you through those connections so you and your ancestors can heal together and move forward to create a more harmonious and prosperous future.
I’m a triple Pisces. It’s rare and I’m wonderful. I move between many worlds and know how to breathe underwater. But business? All Cap 🐐
I graduated with honors from Murray State University with an Advertising and Marketing degree—and a whole lot of psych and social work under my belt—after dropping out of high school and getting a GED.
I’ve lived many places but Bali still feels most like “home.”
I’m a Projector, ENFP, life path…I’ll let you guess.
I don’t do one-off sessions or readings. That’s not my lane. I am gifted, most interested and committed to helping you embody your healing.
I’m both sides of the equation—healing and business. Both/And. But I always lead with the former rather than the latter. Healing allows impact. Money and business flow with/after that, but it ain’t the number one end goal, here. Where we start is contingent upon your unique path and guiding spirits.
As such if you’re looking for a coach that promises to earn you more money in your business with the possibility of making an impact, there are plenty of others out there for you.
I have a framework and a process, but spirit always informs us. If you want me to tell you how, I’ll always guide you back to remembering who you (and your people) are and unearthing the great knowing deep inside.
When I was little, my mom married my step dad, packed up my older brother and I, and moved us out of Detroit and into a one bedroom apartment in Chicago. My bedroom was a walk-in closet. I’m pretty sure this is when I started to become aware of the instability my life held.
Enter: The. Worst. Years. Ever.
(At least, that’s what it seemed like.) I questioned everything: life, love, family, purpose, the whole nine-yards. I couldn’t figure out why we were so poor and unstable, and even though I excelled at school and was a natural leader, I still didn’t feel like I fit in, was good enough, or loved.
No matter how many therapy sessions I attended, journal pages I filled or career accolades I achieved, I felt there was something bigger, deeper going on. Something outside of myself (and the visions and visits in my sleep state made those feelings very real). So, I took a leap and moved to the other side of the world to live around people who spoke a language I didn’t speak but felt spirit the way that I did. I took space and trusted myself to take whatever next steps I needed to initiate transformation in my life.
I went through the same spiritual paths I still take today—making space for myself, connecting with the ancestors of my lineages, and applying our combined wisdoms to resource me. I now work with other leaders to take the same paths, so they too can experience blessings, belonging and abundance..
I thought people would think I sounded crazy—combining spiritual healing, life coaching and business strategy. Yet, the more I shared the more I was reminded by all who knew me that I’ve always been connected to life on different planes and for a bigger purpose. It was just now that I was starting to unapologetically live in that truth out loud.
Today, I lead in the truth I live. I see the power in the healing I do because even though it’s a “one-stop-shop,” it’s not a “quick one time fix” nor a “cookie cutter” experience. It’s rounded and full because once you make a connection with your lineage, it touches everything else in your life and legacy.
It’s all connected because we’re all connected
In life and in death.
I’m living out my path.
I want to help you gain the tools to live out yours.
You are looking for someone who gets it — the personal, spiritual, ancestral, creative and business parts of this world — without all the fluff and typical "coach" models and language.
With that belief, I spend a good deal of my time living my own freedom and sharing it with the world, hoping it will inspire you to deepen in your journey of remembering, reclamation, and embodiment. The more authentic we are in our processes, the more space for change and transformation into our greatest potential.
That’s what I mean by
Before me, my Lineages.
Starseed from the Andromeda Galaxy. Water beings, spirits, deities and entities. West, Central and Southeast African. Yoruba and Bantu Kongo people. Mende and Limba people.
Born February 1987.
In many ancestral traditions and cultures there is a belief that babies born en caul (still in or partially in the amniotic sac) are spiritually gifted and connected to the “other world”. While I wasn’t, I’ve always had the gift of seeing,
My single mother married my step dad and we, along with my older brother moved from Detroit to the north side of Chicago, living in a one bedroom apartment, the walk-in closet was my bedroom. It was there that I started becoming aware of the dysfunction, lack of safety and instability we were in,
The. Worst. Years. Ever. it seemed at the time. I questioned life, purpose, freedom and abundance and why we were so poor, so unstable, and why I was a member of my family. I excelled in my studies, was always a leader and still never felt I belonged or was understood.
I fell in love for the first time and we went away to school together in the backwoods of western Kentucky. There I learned, accepted and had anxiety about my assumed role in my family—to be the one that got out, made a way and brought it back to share.
If everyone went through a journey of ancestral healing:
We’d be able to break bread like our ancestors did when there was misunderstanding.
We wouldn’t choose fight or flight for our individual selves. We’d be able to choose the option that’s good for both people involved because both have lineages that need to live on.
Maybe that sounds a little too kumbaya, but I’ve sat with enough people’s ancestors to know that we’ve had to atone for not following through with agreements between different races, tribes, and clans.
Today, we’re atoning for the same misunderstandings. The atonement just looks a little different.
If everyone did this work, we’d break bread for the greater good so we could create abundance and freedom for everyone, while honoring and appreciating the natural cycles of living and dying
Personal Discovery
We all have a unique purpose. But it’s hard to live in it when it’s much easier to “go with the flow” and do what’s expected of you.
Being the “black sheep” with a “different” way of seeing the world, doing what others expect means living in a box, struggling to find a way out… wondering if it’s even possible.
Discover who you are and how you operate so you can unlock the door out of that box and finally live in your own uniqueness.
Ancestral Lineage Healing
The baggage you hold now—family drama, cyclical curses, and the crap you just can’t shake—isn’t just yours. Someone started packing those bags centuries ago and passed it to generation after generation until it landed on your shoulders.
And they are preventing you from leading, living and being free.
Learn to release cultural and generational baggage, break the patterns that have repeated themselves and get your inherited blessing flowing potently again—not just for you, but for a more resourced and equitable world for your future lineages too.
Conscious Business
You’re ready to break away from the careers that haven’t served you, because you want to serve the world around you in a different way.
There’s a gift inside of you that you’re ready to use for the greater good, but the idea of “businessing” that idea out feels… gross.
Learn how to create and grow a spiritual business without selling out or compromising your values and purpose.
7 days of videos, worksheets, and playlists to see EXACTLY what’s blocking your blessings, and get it out of your way.
"Professional, kind and wise, she is a great example of a human one can entrust themselves with, whether it be in the space of a retreat, for healing or in guidance, and any offering of hers will be one I not only recommend, but must attend!"
"I just wanted a break from myself. I went to see Ashley just to have someone to talk to because I knew she gets things and she possesses this aura of wisdom and insight. What she did with me was incredible. I had been so tense and hadn’t really had quality sleep. But that day, I could physically feel how she pulled the negativity out of my body in our time together while in Bali. I regained clarity and felt at peace. It was an exceptional experience and working with Ashley has been really empowering to me."
The advice and things that came through were profound - some of them I didn’t quite grasp at the moment, but as time went on, I would have an “aha - this is it! This is what they were trying to tell me!” moment. I’m very much looking forward to my next session and the course, and to see where this path leads. I am so grateful for you, Ash. Thank you for being such a powerful light.”
“Ashley is gifted with the ability to not only create such a space, but to do so with a confidence, sincerity and gentle strength which promotes profound self-acceptance and transformational healing. The most transformational healing I personally underwent was facilitated by Ashley herself while in retreat — healing, coaching and crystal work; enabling me to release some very deep, generational pain. I very much look forward to attending the next retreat under her wonderful guidance and management.”
It has helped me see them as shared experiences which brought on a brand new perspective on how to take ownership of my healing and tackle these patterns of behavior with much deeper understanding of myself — what is mine, what is learned, and what is inherited. I’ve found a huge sense of relief and endurance to do deeper personal healing work as a result.”
Meeting Ash helped me to begin to unpack some of the fears I was harboring that were keeping me from living my biggest life. Talking with her in session (and following her journey for the past few years), she's served as a sounding board, a virtual shoulder to cry on and inspired me to move abroad myself and face my fears head on. She is amazing at creating a safe space and providing the spiritual and emotional guidance that can lead you on a journey of discovering yourself”
"The way she combines spiritual practices, from all over the world, and finds a way to share that uniquely with others in a way that really impacts lives, speaks to the the power house that she is. Ash is one of the most genuine healers and leaders I’ve ever met."
“I am not exaggerating when I say ash literally midwived me into an entirely new place in my life.
“She held an incredibly safe and nurturing space for me, facilitating my crawling out from the chrysalis I hadn’t known i’d been wrapped up in. I will remain eternally grateful for her indescribable healing presence. She went far above and beyond expectations - we were not just taken care of, but truly cared for.”