S2 Episode 18: Got issues with commitment? It's ancestral.
If you’re here, you’re probably feeling the pull to do this healing work. You are here in this time and space to do the healing work for your lineage and you’ve decided that the buck stops here. In order for that to happen, you need to commit to the work.
Inside This Episode
Are you really ready and committed to ancestral healing?
What is your relationship to commitment?
What family patterns around dedication, devotion, responsibility, and obligation have been taught or shown?
What beliefs has the world conditioned you to hold around the idea of commitment?
What do you want your relationship to commitment to be, especially within the context of spiritual healing?
What came up for you? Send me a note on IG @ashinspires or online at ashleyjohns.com.
If you’re ready to make bigger waves and heal your entire lineage, join the month-to-month membership community of Healing Is Happening at healingishappeningforme.com
May you walk your path with courage and compassion.
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