S2 | Episode 16: I've Connected With Ancestors, Now What?


I get this question all the time. Someone has done ancestral work with another practitioner, but they feel like the symptoms are still there, or they’re still having fears around certain actions. Generally what has happened is they’ve done work to elevate one ancestor, but not the whole lineage. As a result, they don’t know what’s next and the healing isn’t *fully* happening because it's not complete or being embodied.


Inside This Episode

What could be possible if my lineage didn’t suffer anymore?

Who would I be and who would I become?

What would I do?

What would come towards me?

What would I run towards if I wasn’t holding on to the trauma?

What came up for you? Send me a note on IG @ashinspires or online at ashleyjohns.com.

If you’re ready to make bigger waves and heal your entire lineage, join the month-to-month membership community of Healing Is Happening at healingishappeningforme.com

May you walk your path with courage and compassion.