written with Soul + Purpose.
the blog formally known as #balinspired, has been transformed into my own musings and personal growth journal shared with the world. I hope my adventures inspire something in you...and if not, that's cool too!
muse • myo͞oz/
noun + verb
a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist...like you.
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Because you asked — here it is.
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for the #balinspired
blog archives
What if…all of our healing, personal and cultural freedom, and the evolution of this planet lies completely in the past.
So far, there has been 3 times in my life to date when I walked away from my entire way of life in pursuit of something else.. something more edifying to my soul ...
on Saturday I lost my shit
Sunday I went into the depths and experienced every emotion in the book…
I need no one. I need everyone. How we, as individuals, are our own community of healing, but we also need outside community to become our whole selves.
Ohhhhh I'm back! And it's so good to start sharing all that's been happening in life. Join me over a 10 post series sharing my ups (and so many downs) over the past 9 months.
Getting out of my own comfort zones ... AGAIN. Here's the nitty gritty of how that looks this go'round. And it aint pretty yall.. time is kind tight right now.
What it's like to go all the way to the other side of the world, to find your Soul Family. Where we choose to live, matters.
A love letter of appreciation and gratitude for the differences between my mother and I, that also happen to inspire me to want to become a mother myself one day.
One year into my new hair, and I'm blessed to have learned about (and released myself from) my attachments to my physical looks... at least as it relates to hair. Here I summarize my learnings since chopping off nearly 5 years of hair!
A short blurb in experiencing the power of 'being soft' in a world constantly telling women to be strong.
This time last year, I was surrounded by the mountains of Peru. Entering into 7 days of ritual, ceremony, prayers and divination with the little people of West African, the Apus (Spirits of the mountains), my Ancestors (and a whole bunch of other folks’ people) , and some sisters and some brothers.