What if... [a free write on healing possibilities]
healing our ancestral lineages clears up, heals and liberates us all from:
racism, capitalism, the need to cut one off in order to thrive, competition and comparison,
toxic masculinity and femininity, us vs them, jealousy, white supremacy, generational curses, inherited physical sickness, depression, greed, abuse, deceit, dysfunctional families, mother/daughter and father/son wounds….and any other traumas you’d like to add to this list.
letting go of the personal stories and shared / cultural histories that keep us separated and constantly passing the poison of the past, would allow space for emotional healing and deeper connection at true Spirit level to help us heal this Human shit we and/or our ancestors created in past lives.
we remember what was true before all this was built up?
before the disconnection from Mother Earth
before scarcity set in and hoarding and conquering
before we all forgot Ancient Wisdom and Magic
before we all left and/or were disconnected from our indigenous roots
when every group lived according to the lands and the stars and the ancestors, in balance
we called upon that Ancient Wisdom and lived and behaved accordingly
reigniting true spiritual connection, and the power within (and/or without) our religious beliefs
so we could heal those ghosts and create change in how we live and relate today
because, to me, that’s REAL spiritual activism, working with the “dark” and “light” energies
we all took responsibility to heal individually AND collectively, at the same damn time.
because let’s be honest, there is no real beginning or end of those threads, truly, honestly.
where every difficult conversation was met with real listening for all the truth inside, including the trauma, and limitations, and ghosts, and lies, and holding onto victimhood, and disempowerment, and rape, and reason, and justification, and murders, and ostracized, and more — all having a place to be witnessed unfolding and cleared,
with sharp precision and love.
the courage and compassion.
the brutality of healing.
we fully realized, accepted and embraced that we can’t do it alone,
or even “together” — those of “us” having this discussion, and convincing, educating, explaining, teaching, because sometimes (most times) teaching from raging pain can be indoctrinating the history wanting to be changed, causing further harm and disconnection.
and that taking on the responsibility of calling upon the Ancient Ones to help and bear the weight of the healing would finally be us doing it TOGETHER.
and that all the knowledge and books and theories and diagrams of HOW we got here and WHAT all went into creating and maintaining these systems won’t heal or eradicate THE SPIRIT of these things alone, these personal, familial, cultural and societal issues are the fruits of deeper energies unhealed, still alive and well.
I’m currently writing a book on creating freedom through personal, ancestral and cultural healing. If you’d like to follow along and receive more of my “writings in process”, join my sneak peek + book release email list.
draft 1 — 12.28.2018
all rights reserved © Ash Johns