the call for sacrifice | my 7 day water fast journey

i had been experiencing huge depression symptoms the last 12 months, that had increased drastically over the last 7 month due to a number of things:

• quitting my job overseas
• over analyzing ‘what next’ and 'how’ to the point of exhaustion
• the illusion of feeling alone and unsupported in a foreign land
• missing family, friends and a lover
• then visiting family, friends and a lover only to feel the incredible change and shift thats occurred in us all, leaving the relationships I cherished most before moving abroad unidentifiable and lacking the buoyancy they once had
• anxiety and self doubt regarding my new business and transformational life idea (what an oxymoron)

as i started self evaluating to move into awareness and healing, i was called to attend a mindset seminar (more on this soon to come) as to carve out personal time to purge. fully. and so i am.

ive showed up to the call of seven days in the north bali mountains, with limited cell data, jungle everywhere, a holy water spring and an amazing waterfall. im surrounded by nature, my spiritual empowerment books, selected crystals, candles and incense….and aside from day two’s struggles (the hardest so far, when ALL my parasites were talking through my belly and my mind…) im loving it. the slower pace of life, the focus and heightened sensitivities to my body, mind and spirit, awareness of my mental focus and truest desires, observing my strength and will emerging again although it’s being massively challenged…

pics and epiphany summary to come.
im at the start of day 3 now! 💙💚🍍❤😘

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