I know what it feels like…
To be the woman wanting to explore her ancestral roots because she desires a real, personal and direct connection to her heritage.
To long for healing to happen as a means to overcoming trauma, wounds, limitations and the generational patterns you can't see but definitely feel
To be searching for a greater awareness of who you are, why you're here on this planet at this time, and wonder how you'll step into an undeniable lifestyle of belonging, love and freedom.
To overcome any and every limitation you carry that's preventing you from making more money, working with more ease, releasing anxiety, accepting yourself as you are, overcoming self-doubt, opening to trust, cultivating deeper friendships...the list goes on….
I know this because I am you
(a few steps ahead in the journey, and with a lifetime experience of wisdom doing this work)
I know what it feels like to want to know exactly what is blocking you from stepping into your difference (as power), desires, and lifestyle that's evolved from how you were raised so that you can finally feel free, abundant and have a sense of belonging (even when you’re alone). So I wanna know…
What would it be like to…
confidently create and forge a new path for yourself that's aligned to a totally different lifestyle than your family and culture? (regardless to what others may say about it)
reassuringly unlock new dreams, desires and callings on your path as you open up fully to life in a way that doesn’t feel hard or heavy, but more of an ongoing adventure?
passionately open your heart and know that what you want in life is part of your destiny to restore in your lineage? (you are worthy, deserving and desirable)
…and know, without a shadow of doubt, YOU are who your ancestors have been waiting for?
So you can heal the things your mother and father couldn’t in your own lifetime
Saving Instagram post after instagram post, and trusting all the healers, shamans, mediums, tarot readers or spiritualists to translate what YOUR ancestors are trying to say to you to support you
Healing is Happening™ teaches you how to directly connect with the ancestors who want to help you find your way yourself, so you can break the patterns and live an amazing legacy...right now.
Why keep working with “the middle man”?
Go straight to the source of your inherited troubles playing out in your life.
Go straight to the source of your innate wisdom—your self and your ancestors. Quantum leaps happen when God, you and your Ancestors are all present at the board meetings of your life.
Instead, learn the SPIRITUAL SKILLS NECESSARY to cultivate a healthy and powerful relationship with your higher self, ancestors and guiding / protecting spirits in Healing is Happening™.
Through this program you’ll know how to move in and out of the spiritual realm, work with your ancestral guides, and identify ancestral wounds, traumas and generational patterns stopping you from your creating dreams and achieving your goals…and begin overcoming them through applied living with the help of your ancestors and higher self.
Healing is Happening™ will show you why and how ancestral healing that gets at the energetic root of our psychological and behavioral programming, that's been left out of the self-help and wellness industry / movement. At some point, you gotta go deeper than mindset strategies and action steps.
Healing is Happening™ is about facilitating Family Alchemy and spiritual repair
—taking what’s happened and transforming that to power for you and your life. So even though we'll be doing some deep work with your ancestors, we're doing it for fun, joy, peace, prosperity and happiness in your life!
Everyone loves a good breakthrough story.
This could be yours.
Have you arrived at this point yet?
The point where it’s time to heal the wounds from the past so you can step up and into new possibilities for more—energy, confidence, community, love, support, freedom—now and for a brighter, more abundant future?
I know that point.
This is the point when and where a deeper knowing kicks in, one that’s telling you it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than what you’ve been doing if you plan on breaking these chains for good.
And you do plan on breaking these chains for good.
And if magically reprogramming centuries of family history, underlying biases, and trauma seems like a heavy endeavor...you’re right.
But contrary to popular belief, while challenging, healing and overcoming patterns can feel GOOD and be EMPOWERING!
It gets good and empowering when you realize your problems are not all yours to heal and overcome on your own. You deserve to have help in your process of healing the generational patterns stopping you and grow closer to your people (ancestors) in the process.
You shouldn’t have to get to a breaking point to get supported, but often time it does because we ignore the calling. But you are here for a reason, and I believe it’s because you’re ready for this deeper journey.
You don’t have to hold the weight of doing things differently on your shoulders anymore.
Here, you won't do it alone.
You’re bringing everyone to the table
To understand what’s holding you back
And use that understanding to heal.
It’s time to initiate your ancestral healing journey.
It’s time to learn how to call on your ancestors to help release what you’ve been carrying.
It’s time to gain the support to rock the hell out of your soul’s purpose.
It’s time to step into empowerment, and leave circumstance and victimhood behind*.
(*written with compassion, empathy and respect)
Generational healing doesn’t happen in isolation.

Everyone is talking about trauma-informed healing and calling on their ancestors.
There’s a whole basket of buzzwords in the personal growth and self care worlds.
Even in the ancestral healing space, you can’t tune out the terms that are thrown to the wind.
Honestly? I kinda love and loathe this.
I love that more people are gaining interest. More people are gaining information. More people are actually learning what ancestral healing is and opening their minds to the much needed work.
But also, making these concepts so accessible gives them the feeling that this is a consumable healing. It minimizes the real impact of connection, and turns our ancestors into Magic 8 balls we use to help us make a tough decision or tell us when we need to break up with that guy. In some cases the healing is even grouped in with our weekly “self care tasks”…
..like… taking a bubble bath, pulling a tarot card or two, and doing facials every other week.
But ancestral healing is so much more than altars and physical body care.
Because healing isn’t a Consumable Practice.
It takes time. It takes relating.
Not that I’m against a good beauty rituals (lots of our ancestors were about that glamour-spell life, mine included ;) But this isn’t the kind of self care that is actually going to shift the deep things that need shifting.
It takes more than a little understanding to make a much needed transformation. It takes diving into the issues of today, tomorrow, and yester-year to actually move yourself and your lineage forward.
If all of this is resonating with you so far and you find yourself nodding your head as you’re reading these words, I want you to know
It’s possible to reconcile and feel a sense of acceptance about how you were raised and taught to be in life.
It’s possible to step into a new level of power over the direction of your own life (instead of feeling stuck, angry and a victim of your circumstances).
You can move forward confidently and create a life aligned with your desires and destiny, without limitation.
And you don’t have to figure it out alone.
In fact, healing wasn’t never designed or facilitated to be a one-person event.
It takes all of us to make healing happen, and create new ways of being.
Here’s how we’ll do it…
A Guided Course of Ancestral Exploration, Connection, Healing and Freedom
Healing is Happening™ was created to help you
develop a sense of dignity (pride, proud, worthiness, joy, freedom, success)
We'll normalize you. help you see what you desire isn't wrong, there's nothing wrong with you, you aren't weird you just command a different way of being and relating—YOU are the one in your family called to be who you are (not settling, asking tough questions, challenging the status quo, expecting more not less); people will respect you when you show up as who you're called to be
feel courageous (motivated, creative, confident, on/in purpose)
Motivate you to take aligned and informed action on what you desire for your life based on having fun doing the prescriptions of your ancestors; unlock your spiritual gifts and practice trusting what you are receiving/seeing/noticing in the real world builds confidence and courage, activates your purpose
create belonging (safe, accepted, connected, affirmed, recognized)
See that you're not alone. the more confident and empowered you become, the more magnetic you will be and the Universe/Spirit will conspire with you more and more. You'll notice and honor the subtleties of disharmony and disingenuous, leaning towards what feels good and is aligned more and more; create belonging by being yourself
So you can:
See exactly what happened in your lineage that has you repeating similar patterns;
Be shown how life was before the "incident" that changed it all and re-acclimate to that energy
Decide for your self, for sure, that life is meant to be different so you can take full responsibility;
Learn boundaries with the living, dead and society at large;
Declare your desires and raise your standards in life;
Open your heart and use your head/mind/knowledge as support;
Have more courage and strength without exhausting yourself and closing down your heart;
Learn how to have more compassion and be more open-minded (less binary)
Healing is Happening™ will help you to
have a bespoke spiritual practice with your ancestors that’s unique to you and your lineage and feeds your soul
implement spiritual medicine / advice in real life that guides you to overcome the patterns you’ve been perpetuating
(Required if you're interested in working with me inside Tier-Two of Healing is Happening™, live with Ash and in community)
Digestible pre-recorded content drip delivered over 12 weeks (plus bonuses).
Teach you step-by-step how to safely and accurately connect with your ancestors for life & lineage healing
It helps you see/reveal where you come from (lineage-wise), how your ancestors are affecting you, how to transmute those wounds into gold (which is great for your life!), and shows you what is your responsibility to heal, and what is your ancestors'.
3 modules, 3 months, 12 video lessons, 6 hours of content
Videos, audio and simple prompts that are easily to follow, at your own pace (or along with the release dates). This eliminates the fear of this work (safety with ancestors, if you can do this, etc...because you CAN and WILL!)
Private peer-led community for reflection, witnessing and support
Safe space for connection and belonging of other people who wish to break generational patterns and transform their lives; share and compare stories for more confidence, motivation and inspiration in the process. You will be able to submit questions weekly for me to address and answer in the community space, at random.
Tier One — Course | Module Overview:
Module 1 (month 1): You'll explore: what you must already know/be true as you embark on this journey, what you currently believe, what you desire, and what the blocks are in your life and lineage.
Module 2 (month 2): You'll learn and practice the skills of ancestral healing. Over four weeks, you’ll learn Whole Lineage Healing™ and practice applying the skills to activate your own spiritual gifts and abilities.
Module 3 (month 3): Practicing the skills with audio recordings on specific core journeys with your ancestors: protection, boundaries, choosing which lineage to work with first, and cultivating a relationship with your ancestral guide)
Self-guided, Pre-recorded Course Inclusions:
Immediate Access to pre-work:
Ancestral Reverence Challenge
The Elements of Ancestral Connection
Creating Your Sacred Container
Weekly drip content over 12 weeks: 3 Modules, 4 Lessons each
Plus four (4) bonus material recordings
The Science & Spirit of Ancestral Healing Masterclass
The 4 Phases of Ancestral Healing Training
Ancestral Blocks & Blessings Experiential Guided Workshop
Release & Reclaim: Healing Spells of Survival
Pay-in-Full: $1,555 USD
4 Month Payment Plan: $399 USD / month ($1,596 total)
If you...
Have tried coaching or therapy but find yourself with more questions than answers.
Are curious about how ancestral healing might help you move forward
Realize that healing is much deeper than surface-level self care
Are ready to try ancestral healing in a supportive and caring environment
… Then hi. Welcome. Healing Is Happening is the place for you.

“I found the connection between spirituality and my mental health...I am incredibly grateful and highly recommend Ash.
Working with Ash has supported me in building a conscious and loving relationship with my ancestors, which has significantly strengthened my relationship with myself, relationships, business, and activist work in the world. I feel more confident, rooted and anchored in my role—work, living family and whole lineage. I navigate my days and interactions with them with more intention, purpose, and love. My sense of belonging is unshakeable. I understand this at the spiritual level not just the mind. I also recognized how much I have been in my role and purpose throughout my life. Like “oh shit! I've been caring for myself and my family since I came into this world!” Gaining more consciousness and connection around this has been LIFE CHANGING!!”
— Michelle M.
“I can definitely say healing is happening! I have no idea how. I don't understand, but it’s no coincidence!
The day after our last facilitation call I hopped on a plane to visit a friend. My plan included salt water and sunshine. Well...I got that, but I also got triggered..heavily and often! The night I returned home I had vivid dreams that included two women performing a ritual on my behalf. Their message to me was to be patient, one I’d received during our group sessions. I woke up, opened my journal, and looked at the notes from our ancestor call—I had completely forgotten it was all about unearthing and healing mother wounds.”
— L.W.
“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
Cloud Atlas

You’re Right, There is a Piece Missing
There is a time and a place for traditional therapy and coaching.
Both touch on mindset or strategy that can shift pieces of your life temporarily.
But if you’ve tried these practices and you still feel like you’re stumbling back to feeling stuck, you haven’t healed.
That’s because just improving your mindset isn’t healing.
And neither is changing up your strategy. This isn’t about coping, it’s about shifting.
Healing is finding the thing that has broken you and releasing it from its hold so that your energetic charge shifts into a greater capacity.
It enables us to show up fully and create the ripples we want.
It’s not coaching. It’s not therapy.
It’s all hands on deck: mind, body, and spirit.
Healing is a literal magic because as you feel the shift within you, you create shifts around you.
It’s about supporting “me” to create a stronger “we” in the universe.
And while healing can look vastly different for each person,
There is one thing that is necessary for all of us: gaining trust for yourself and connecting with your people.
So you can get to the medicine your ancestors hold.
And finally heal what’s been holding you back.

“I’ve been in complete awe... And filled with soooo much gratitude! Thank you Ash for guiding us ❤️.
I connected with my guide who basically had the tone of “we’ve been waiting ma’am!” lol. What came up as our wound was heartache. It’s shown up in the literal sense but also caused a disconnect between the mothers and children, causing resentment for being a mother. My guide gathered everyone who suffered from this, scanning their hearts with light. Afterwards they walked into the beach waves. Everyone held hands and started swaying almost in a dancing rhythm...I noticed I was doing it to. I ended the connection by trusting myself, finishing my bathing rituals...giving thanks + gratitude.”
— V.K.
“Everything shifted. Everything changed. I didn't expect to see changes in every single aspect of my life!
Everything shifted. Everything changed. I came to this work with some specific outcomes in mind. I didn't expect to see changes in every single aspect of my life—but that is what happened. I am more deeply in love with all aspects of my life- myself, my work, my purpose, my partnerships, my family. Life to me now seems more like a grand adventure that I have the necessary skill to navigate. I am so much more aware of what is right for me and what is a distraction. I am a better mother, partner, and more centered in my purpose than ever before. Ash’s skill, compassion, insight are beyond compare. With Ash, I developed skills to navigate a way forward, with more courage, compassion, and purpose.”
— Jill E.
Will you be joining us?

By now, you may be wondering who I am and why I've created this. Let me introduce myself to you…
Ash Johns—certified Psycho-Spiritual Life Coach, Ancestral Healer, Business Strategist and founder of Ancestral Healing Space™.
I live at the intersection of deep healing and practical strategy for freedom, abundance, love and cultural change.
I believe our greatest recurring trauma—both personally and collectively—is in how we’ve been taught to survive in this world, and that the key to thriving lies in returning to ourselves, our roots and our spiritual practices.
Blessed with the gifts of mediumship and psychic abilities her entire life, assumed the position and role of generational pattern breaker at the age of 8, and considers herself a bridge between human and spirit. Ash supports leaders, visionaries, first gens and spiritual entrepreneurs in identifying and healing the inherited core wounds stopping them from living in their purpose, leveling up to create their heart’s desires, and influencing positive change in the world.
She has a Bachelors of Science with Cum Laude honors, is an industry trained and certified Qualitative Researcher and moderator specializing in methodology design; and going on two decades of experience in advertising, branding and business (online and offline, domestic and international).
Cert. PsychoSpiritual (Psychosynthesis) Life Coach (PLC, BCC)
Cert. Neuro-Linguisitic Programming (NLP)
Cert. Hynotherapist
Initiated Medicine Woman (SEWI)
Reiki Master
Participant in multiple ceremonies under the ancestralization method and lineage of Elder Malidoma Some
4 year apprenticeship with Liv Wheeler (9 year protege of Elder Malidoma, Kontomble diviner)
trained psychopomp practitioner, shamanic journey facilitator and healer
2 year apprenticeship with Ibu Jero and Pak Bagus (traditional Indonesian healing ritual and modality)
certified Ancestral Lineage Healing practitioner, Ancestral Medicine, Daniel Foor
plus...countless domestic and international workshops, ceremonies, plant journeys, programs, sister circles, breath work, sweat lodges, techniques and all things related to the healing arts
I've had over 25 successful life chapter transformations across various areas of life...and I'm only 35; all have required me to break a generational pattern with the help of my ancestors, God, and support team.
Ancestral Healing is the belief, practice and process of reconnecting with and transforming your ancestral roots and inheritances for wellness, wisdom and evolution—directly with your ancestors.
You might be over there thinking: “This woman is asking me to talk to dead people” feeling a little freaked out...and a whole lot curious.
That’s normal. Hang with me. I promise it’s more than just a chat with the dead.
Ancestral healing is the belief and practice of reconnecting with your ancestral roots. Think about it. It’s where you inherit the shape of your nose or the color of your eyes. It’s where your family’s stories come from. That’s where the traditions are born. It’s where things are created and lived and passed down for generations to come.
It’s where wisdom and knowledge live, and yet, we seem to forget that we have an energetic and spiritual connection to the bloodlines of our people.
Even though those people have passed on, they hold integral information about who we are right now.
And in case you’re wondering if it’s safe to do this kind of deep dive, let me assure you: my approach to ancestral healing is a secure and safe process that helps you identify unprocessed pain with the help of your ancestors and higher self so you can begin reaping wonderful benefits and blessings from them.
Together: You, your ancestors, us… we can create a brighter future.

If you still have a few questions, check out the list below
+ Who is this course for?
Healing is Happening™ was created for the people who are ready to finally jump into ancestral healing in a supportive group setting.
If you’re on this page and you're interested in becoming more spiritually, emotionally, and mentally healthy, then this is meant for you. It is your birthright to get consciously connected with yourself and your ancestors. The connection is already there, and you deserve to waken up to it to heal yourself whole.
+ Do I get support from Ash?
If you are part of Tier One Course—and didn't purchase a LIVE version of the course—NO. You have self-guided experience with pre-recorded materials. However you have access to a peer-led community space to share your experience to get reflections and celebrations.
If you are part of Tier Two, YES—during our group calls AND via chat-style conversation in your private membership dashboard, housed in Google Drive. **(Tier Two is currently closed until further notice) ** BOTH tiers you have the option to submit questions to Ash that will be addressed through the content and bonus materials.
+ Is this space inclusive?
I (Ash) have experience working very well with folks of all colors and walks of life...for a reason.
This question is exactly why I love and do this work——for us to have brave space to heal our deepest personal, inherited and collective traumas around social programming and cultural systems of oppression. Yes, this is for you——Black woman, white woman, femme, sister, sibling, non-binary, LGBTQI, man, father, brother, ...
+ Is this going to be hard?
It’s only as hard as your resistance makes it. I promise, I will do everything on my end to help you learn to put trust in yourself so you can connect with who you need, including yourself. It’s up to you to lean in on it, though. If you’re willing to commit to it, then it will work for you.
+ Will I connect with my [insert dead relative]?
Many people who come into ancestral healing want to connect with a specific ancestor. However, ancestral healing is a tool for supportive healing and you want the spirits who will support you in that journey. Grandma Mary who you remember from her time on Earth may not have all the knowledge you need at the moment. Don’t worry, the spirits will connect you with who you need.
+ How long is the Tier-One course?
The course is a 3-month process, however you can go at your own pace. You will have access to the course for however long I offer it (so far, since 2021).
Your billing date is set up to automatically withdraw every 30 days from your initial date of purchase if you choose the monthly payment plan option.
There are no refunds or prorated offers. You can not combine deals. If you cancel or lapse on payment, you will be removed from the programs and your bonuses, if any, revoked.
Learn more at [ashleyjohns.com/terms-of-purchase
+ How do I cancel?
We do not offer refunds, discounts or cancelations of digital courses, programs, masterminds or workshops/masterclasses.
However it is our intention that this work is truly healing, inspiring and that you are delighted to be doing this work with me. If for whatever reason that is no longer true for you, you have 24 hours after the release of the first module of this program to cancel for a full refund, no questions asked. After that period, because you will have accessed both the pre-work AND the digital course, there are no refunds or exceptions.
If you default on your payment plan you will be contacted by Team Ash to support you in getting your account current. In the meantime, you will immediately lose access to the program until the afore mentioned is done and in good standing.
Read more about our policies you're agreeing to by purchasing this course or program here: ashleyjohns.com/terms-of-purchase
It’s time to initiate your ancestral healing journey.