“Whoa baby! (That's it. That's my story.) Just kidding.”
The most powerful epiphany was expanded awareness and being with an 8 year-old part of me that has been powerfully shaping my life from her understandable, yet outdated, fear of vulnerability and perceived community-inflicted wounds. Before [Make Space], I showed up in community responding to my stress triggers with stories of not belonging, freezing/dissociating, and flying away emotionally from myself and others. I popped into either/or being and quickly cut off from my birthright, inheritance, internal, external, and spiritual support systems. It helped me experience what I was hoping to experience, being my calling. Particularly by identifying and being curious with the parts that were procrastinating and flying away, i was able to transform those emotions and allocate their energy in a way that was healing and sustainable. Within days of being in conversation with these parts I took action around filing and paying for the paperwork I'd been scared of completing to legitimize/legalize my businesses. I also completed and submitted a proposal for work to a major corporation.
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