Get off the hamster wheel of chasing money, and start generating money that flows to —and stays with—you.
(so you can forever change the trajectory of your life, lineage and legacy)
8 Week Self-Pace Course

Forgive me if I’m wrong but…
I’m going to assume that we have at least this one thing in common:
YOU’RE THE ONE in your family who’s chosen to walk your own path in life, do things differently, pursue your dreams and do what’s never been done before (or in a very long time).
And that call unfortunately, but also fortunately, includes breaking the money patterns in your family during your lifetime, through how you create and live your life.
Maybe your personal and family pattern with money is that it’s never, or never feels, like enough.
Maybe it’s getting paid and just as fast as you deposited the check it’s gone again.
Maybe it’s that receiving money is always attached with doing something you actually don’t wanna do.
Maybe it’s feeling like you’re just not worthy enough, or trustworthy of, receiving more than enough.
Or maybe it’s that wild amounts of money, abundance and wealth is only available for white people, people with degrees, men who are part of the “good ol boys” gang, TikTok stars, celebrities and business people who sell their souls, immigrants that “had help from the government”, super hard workaholics, or folks who inherited cash, were given a trust fund, don’t really care about other humans or the environment, or…[fill in the blank].
Things is, WE ALL have unrealized inherited, learned and cultivated limited beliefs, programs and imprints about money.
And those subconscious, energetic templates unseen inside of us is what dictates not only our relationship with money, but controls our ability to receive, circulate and be good stewards of it which has a direct impact on how much and how frequently we experience it, the quality of our lives, the level of impact we have in our callings, and the way our society continues to work in present day.
As the pattern-breaking pioneer in your lineage, you are here to do the work to change scarcity, fear and not enough, to abundance, trust, and overflow.
I know both sides of the coin…
I know what it feels like to be the first to wade into uncharted waters, attempting to consciously create financial overflow and wealth.
To watch what other people have and—while taking notes and asking questions that hopefully don’t offend—be wondering how to cultivate ‘that kind of money’ and ‘that kind of life’ for yourself.
To think that if I only work harder…
…if I only meet the right people, get in the right rooms, for the next best opportunity…
…if I only stick to the right budget or finally finish this finance guru’s program…
…if I can nail the job with the higher salary and tax bracket…
…if I can marry the person who already comes from wealth or at least has their money up to par…
…if I get the influx of new clients…
I know what it’s like to want to simply not have to worry about finances anymore AND have more than enough to not only set your future children up for success, but also be able to be generous and a blessing in others’ lives when they need it.
To be a resource.
An example.
I know the ache of riding the highs and lows of money flowing in and out of your life “when you should have it figured out by now”…and thought you would have by now.
I know what it’s like to desire and be called to break the chains of financial struggle and fear, but feel with every two steps your take forward, you also take 1.5 steps back which makes you question if you can actually do it.
I know what it’s like to feel abundant in your spirit BUT not see it matched in your accounts or cash flow statement.
I also know what it’s like to be financially free, stable, overflowing and secure, with a healthy investment portfolio and way more than enough every single month…
and be terrified I’ll fuck it up, pray I never have to actually use my emergency funds (read: deplete), and hesitate using my sinking funds on what I saved them for! (I mean, not to be ableist in my language, but it was crazy).
To pretend to have less money than you actually do so you’re not judged—or hit up—by my friends or family for loans and needs you don’t want to be responsible for.
To tell the lie that someone else bought that first class flight and you saved up “so long” to buy that designer bag or 5-star hotel experience.
And I’m very well acquainted with that very loud—but also tiny—voice inside that’s telling you to remember, reclaim and tap back into your creational power for abundance, overflow and wealth so you can show other’s that it’s not only possible, but HOW to do it for themselves.
it’s time to listen to that voice, step up to the plate and fully embrace the journey of identifying, breaking and overcoming your (subtle or overt) symptoms and patterns of lack in your life and lineage.
Surfing the waves of money.
My money story is long and complex, but in the eyes of some, it looks like a very short and quick rise to financial freedom from a simple online coaching business.
Boy oh boy could they not be more wrong.
Sure, it’s true that I come from pretty much nothing, lived on welfare during parts of my childhood, and eventually went on to make my first six-figures of revenue—with mid-5 figure profits—in less than 8 months of going full time in my business.
But this isn’t about business, sales and revenue, per se.
Because it wasn’t the business or the revenue or the sales from the marketing that got me unlearning, learning and transforming my relationship with money (it was the result).
And it certainly wasn’t the work or inheritance or support of my family members that led me to learning how to be with and cultivate more money in my life.
It was me (who I am).
It was my lineage (ancestors).
And it was my calling (who I’m called to be and how I’m called to serve).
Looking back over my 12 year journey with money—upgrading my mindset, reprogramming my subconscious, healing my ancestral wounds, re-patterning my beliefs and behaviors, and trusting myself to walk my unique path in life—I can joyfully say, WE GOOD. i’ve done it. and i’m doing it.
I now like money.
I now trust myself with money.
I can now generate, circulate and release money, with ease.
I know how to surrender, be active in and relate to money in the way that supports my life and calling in all the ways humans experience money.
I know how to attract, earn and respect money coming, staying and going out of my life.
That’s actually the true and full definition of what cash flow is.
But similar to you, I wasn’t taught any of this—about how money works—from my family, in school, or in college.
I simply was told to “be responsible” with credit cards, balance your check book, don’t write checks yo ass can’t cash (literally and figuratively), and advised to quite simply always keep a good job (and never quit one without another already lined up).
There was no talk of budgeting or saving, investing or forcasting.
Absolutely no conversation about HOW to treat or be in relationship with money abundantly, energetically, responsibly, emotionally, strategically, trustingly.
And most definitely no passing down of ancestral ways of BEING WITH money, how our inheritance works with the energy of abundance, ancestral gifts associated with cultivating overflow and provision, or how to cultivate the resource of money to fund and finance fulfilling my purpose, passions and freedom in this lifetime.
All of that was lost long ago, hidden away and traded in for hard work, gambling to hit luck, and praying to God and Jesus for financial favor and miracles (yes, I grew up in a Black Spiritualist, Pentecostal Christian church—which is very opposite from evangelical, prosperity preaching Christianity).
But something in my spirit couldn’t get with, or settle for/into, that.
And THEN the money manifestation coach’s work & financial gurus of the world’s approach and frameworks didn’t work for me longterm EITHER.
It’s like there’s an unserved, unspoken blank space in-between the business coaches telling you to ‘manifest big money this month’, therapists egging you to unpack your childhood money wounds about your mom and dad, and money experts preaching savings, budgeting and investment strategies, THAT NO ONE is covering in the world of finance, money management and wealth creation.
It feels like all the strategies in the world don’t mean shit until or unless your relationship with money—cultivating and attracting and having it in your life in the first place—changes.
It feels this way, because there is.
It feels this way, because you’re right, they don’t.
That’s why I created and am offering this course, ‘OLD MONEY’.
Because so many of us are meant for different and meant to be the difference makers.
To remember, reclaim, cultivate and generate more money than anyone in our immediate families has ever done or received—and that’s waaaay deeper and faaaar more complex and nuanced than just getting the job, making more sales, or staying disciplined about making the bank transfers and not dip into your reserves—so we can all remember how capable and abundant we actually are, and live a beautiful life of trust, ease and generosity.
And to do that, we have to heal old money wounds if we want money that goes long and grows old with us.
That’s what led me to not only study money, but take my insights about money management, wealth, and abundance to the ancestors for transformation. Over the years, this work has only been offered behind closed doors, exclusive to my private clients and group program students, and mostly through the lens of entrepreneurship and creating small businesses aligned with your soul’s calling.
But it’s come time to share, teach and guide the principles of transforming your relationship with, and experience of, money and wealth, so you can go from scarcity, fear and not enough, to abundance, trust and overflow.
The best part of my journey into attracting, having, holding and circulating money for the first time in my family and at the next level, is that I’ve seen and experienced IT ALL.
From having NO MONEY for college, to receiving scholarships I knew nothing about and didn’t even apply for.
From having $20k in savings, then getting down to my last $12.52 (across 3 different bank accounts!) with NO JOB, to nailing a $85k (AUD) contract overseas.
From owing $119,000 in business loans and high-interest credit cards, to $30k+ profit a month.
From scrambling to figure out how to empty my 401k and Robinhood investment accounts, to being an angel investor with equity in a (very popular and well known) up and coming fashion brand.
From barely having enough to cover rent or payroll at the end of the money, to transitioning to a profit share model, offering 4-figure bonuses, and paying off that stupid Navient student loan, all in the same month!
From being afraid of taxes and annual, unexpected expenses, to having accounts set up to take care of it all for me—no fear, no surprises.
From not knowing how and being riddled with worry and stress about how I’d move house, states, and countries, to the way being made and luxury villa home secured, smoothly, abundantly, easefully.
is a potent 8 week journey where we’ll identify and heal the money wounds keeping you in cycles of lack, fear and not enough-ness, so you can…
stop chasing money and instead develop bespoke-for-you strategies for receiving more financial resource and support
and free yourself to receive, manage and work with more money, with more trust, delight and ease—for years and generations to come.
The concepts in this course are for EVERYONE, not only entrepreneurs, coaches, or those in the online business space. They are the concepts, principles, practices and healing activities that have positively impacted the lives of countless clients—from all ages and walks of life—over my decade of personally doing and professionally facilitating ancestral healing, conscious business and self-mastery work. It is what I credit my wildly abundant life of provision, and trust in life itself, on.
So I am so very excited, and deeply honored, to inspire and help you step into this process of completely transforming your relationship with money!
OLD MONEY was designed to guide you to:
Identify and break your personally perpetuated limiting behaviors with money
Identify and heal your core ancestral wounds associated with resource, money and abundance
Identify, define and embody your wealth identity and exact pathways to receiving more money
Guide you to reconnect with and reclaim your ancestral source for abundance and overflow
Guide you to become fully expressed in your desires, calling and money attraction gifts and abilities (whether you’re an artist, aspiring or established entrepreneur, corporate 9-5-er, consultant, or a member of the gig economy
Illuminate your shadows restricting and opportunities to expand your relationship with money
Regulate your nervous system to feel safe, settled and open to receive cash money injections
Attune you energy field to the abundance that is of your birthright and calling
Reprogram your mind, shift your perspective and up-level your core belief systems around money, abundance, wealth, finances, resource and support to match your desires with money
Integrate trust and ease into your relationship with money (and manifestation process) so you can allow yourself to receive money through any pathway meant for you.
Guide you to learn, develop and practice new, and perfect-for-you routines and rituals to manage your money and relationship with money, responsibly, powerfully and creationally
AND SO MUCH MORE! (seriously, what is meant for you WILL be yours in this course and program experience!)
When you complete OLD MONEY, you will…
have new positive emotions, feelings and perspectives associated with money
feel way more confident in and positive about your financial matters—past, current and future
have a plan of inspired action to open the floodgate of cash flow into your life
have audited and cleared your life and finances of energy leaks and money blocks
be deeply reconnected to your true, highest and deepest form of abundance and wealth
have a new perspective about money—how to cultivate, use, circulate and leverage it
feel empowered with money to create wealth as the pattern breaker, way-shower that you are!
“My relationship to money has changed drastically since working with Ash in 2019.
I used to worry and feel like I had be super transparent about how much money I'm making as a community service provider to the point of undercharging into an unsustainable [business] model. Now I have a different relationship with money and expenses, like "this is just what I need to stay here and to take care of myself. And I don't feel like I need to explain it anymore."
— GRACIELA, @mami.despierta
Coming in contact with Ash and her teaching was life changing to say the least. I also changed the trajectory of my life after participating in OLD MONEY.
I've always been a self reflective person, but Ash’s prompts and guidance just pierced through a whole other level for me. I see what's truly mine. Her content also goes far beyond what is advertised. Old Money is about so much more than money for me. My relationship with my ancestors, my loved ones and the Universe at large and so fourth.
This woman is magic and she reminds you of your own magic in dimensions far beyond all offerings I've taken so far. She looks from all angles and gives new perspective. So if you're thinking of working with Ash I cannot recommend her enough. Be ready to have your mind blown though (and for a good giggle, cause this lady is funny and cute as hell)!
— MELYNA PHAN, M.Sc. Sustainable Energy Supply

All course program content, replays and homework are uploaded and available via Portal (Kajabi).
1—Money Audit:
Stop Perpetuating Scarcity, Start Cultivating Overflow
5-Day journey of transforming your old money limitations into a lucrative life & lineage
Module 1
repairing, Redefining and recoding the source(s) of money in your life
Module 2
Myths about (your ancestral) Money
Module 3
ancestral gifts & Creating the pathways to receive overflow
Module 4
Dreams & Desires
Fears & Fuckedup-ness
Module 5
Make Space for Money
Module 6
Your Wealth identity & Vows
Module 7
ReAttune to the Energetics of Money, Abundance and Wealth overflow
Module 8
Stand in Your Role, Set New Standards and Rules with money, wealth and overflow
over 6 hours of transformational transmissions and teachings…
PLUS the prep work & bonuses
PREP-WORK: Stop Perpetuating Scarcity, Start Cultivating Overflow w. Ash Johns (60 mins)
This masterclass isn't about getting new information. It's about mastering the simple things "we already know"—but aren't doing—that creates both exponential growth and great impact…with your money.
BONUS: The 5-Day Masterclass Training (5+ hours)
Over 5 days we lay the foundations you need to set yourself up for even more transformation and success with the 8-week course. I teach all about how to go about healing ancestrally inherited and personally internalized patterns of lack and scarcity so you can live a more abundant life that allows you to EXPAND on and fulfill our calling, projects, passions and dreams.
Working with Ash has been incredibly life changing for me. I feel held in a way for me to evolve beyond what I knew was possible. My self worth has shifted to levels I have never experienced in this lifetime.
I have shifted my entire business model to a structure that is sustainable, and I feel seen! I went from essentially giving my services away to feeling held, and moving into an actual career. These sessions have helped me confirm and take into action what I have known for myself all along, but didn’t know how to do on my own.
‘“SIS! I have been getting opportunities left and right with ease!”

You've probably tried...
I know you are a smart, driven person who doesn’t shy away from rolling up your sleeves to make things—and the money you need—happen (I mean, you’ve been doing this all your life so it’s first nature at this point)… but you’re beyond frustrated that your finances continue to be on an ongoing, and sometimes unpredictable, rollercoaster ride‚ whether that’s seen in the amount you have or felt in your emotions about how much you have to manage.
Everyone is talking about the state of the economy but you also notice how some people are raking in bank while others aren’t. How can that be?
How can it be that you’re making the most you’ve ever made AND STILL feel like it’s never gonna be enough?
When does the chase in and you get to coast, trust and learn to enjoy the constant wax and wane of money circulating around you naturally, easefully, abundantly?
But what you actually need is to…
heal ancestral trauma with money, define your relationship with it for yourself, and embody your unique wealth identity
So you are regulated with and when it comes to managing your money
You have a deep, loving, trusting and intimate relationship with money
You can easefully and knowingly show up to do your work without getting into weird scarcity vibes and sabotaging your stuff
You can speak about your finances with your self, loved ones, partner, spouse and children with a positive, open charge—rather than a negative, heavy, fearful, worrisome or controlling one
Where you can SHOW UP CONFIDENTLY and CENTERED in your financial planning meetings (at work, in business, for future investments, savings, retirement, etc)
Where you can MOVE WITH EASE and PEACE as you do what your soul calls you to do for a living and trust you are supported
Where you have a CALM and FOCUSED MIND even in the most challenging situations or (previously) triggering conversations with money
Where you can REACH ANOTHER FINANCIAL MILESTONE no one in your family, community or social circle you grew up with ever expected you to, and that inspires others to greatness at next level too (without effort or burnout) when it comes to cultivating resource and overflow
Where you can STAY ROOTED, GROUNDED and AWARE IN YOUR BODY with money
Where you can ATTRACT and CULTIVATE ABUNDANT AND SURPRISING AMOUNTS OF MONEY in ways that hardly feel like work, efforting, pushing, pulling or worrying

Hey there, I’m Ash(ley) Johns.
I’m a Multi-Dimensional Ancestral Healer & Seer, Creative Strategist, Inspirational Muse/Mentor, and accredited PsychoSpiritual Life Coach (who doesn’t really identify as a “coach”).
With over 10 years client experience, I’ve traveled the world working with successful & soulful leaders, change-making CEOs, DEI consultants, and wellness entrepreneurs who are called to not only shift paradigms in business, but also do so in their personal identities, homes, relationship dynamics, and lifestyles.
Over the chapters of my life’s work, I’ve learned to masterfully navigate limiting personal narratives to identify the root wound and pattern that once served my clients and their ancestors, but are now keeping them out of their power, authority and purpose—in all areas of life—and guide them through healing and into the practical “medicine“ to embody the change that is in alignment to their greatest desires, at next level.
Simply put, I highly skillful and well trained to find the niggle bits you hide from others, and help my clients see themselves and life through a new lens, break patterns, and make what was burdensome and complicated, empowering and simple. As a result, my clients have gone on to save marriages from divorce, resuscitate love lives that were going down the drain, take next steps into motherhood, make their first (and multiple) six figures, clarify and birth their body of work, and move to the places that felt most like home...with very little effort and a whole lotta trust and ease.
So how do my clients (and I ;) go from chasing the cash money, to understanding how it works, flows to, and generates easefully for us, as individuals?
Well, the short answer is: it wasn’t to buckle down and make more sales, work harder or manipulate more.
The crucible of a process that OLD MONEY is isn’t what your standard money mindset coach, financial advisor, business mentor, or behavior change therapist can even begin to scratch the surface of, which is why I’m moving this work and process out from only being accessible in my mastermind and entrepreneurship programs and into a space ANYONE and EVERYONE can access.

“I struggled to feel I could raise my rates for the work that I do but I did!
I raised my rates to $4,444 for my 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship, got 3 new clients at this rate, and was able to move out on my own from the income of my business for the first time! ”
What Ash taught me was so much deeper than strategy. During my time working with her, I was able to unearth and tend to so many ancestral wounds that were stopping me from stepping fully into my power and purpose. We got to the root of what was holding me back, rather than just treating the surface.”

two ‘first round’ enrollment options:
Course Program Details:
THE MONEY AUDIT Masterclass (60 mins)
OLD MONEY: The Masterclass (5-day training, 7+ hours)Eight (8) modules of OLD MONEY: The Course
Eight (8) weeks of LIVE guidance, mentorship, coaching, Q&A with me, Ash!
Customizable money management and financial planning & forecasting spreadsheets
Community connection space with peer-to-peer support, wisdom, shares and love. This is designed to be a “safe” (but really brave and REAL) space to ask questions and receive feedback from each other and where I can “pop in” casually to support and connect with you.
A dedicated period of time to work through all the intricacies, details and nuances of creating more cash flow and improving your relationship with and experience of money, where you can “connect all the dots” — which is ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS! 🧩
Access to my (very private) personal and professional journey of clearing debt, cultivating cash flow (inside of and outside my business) and learning to work with money with trust, ease, joy and love — which is also PRICELESS✨ 👑
Whatever else God, my guides and higher self puts on my heart to offer and share to support and guide you!
Course Schedule:
LENGTH: 9 week total
MODULE RELEASE: 7 days at a time
Upon Enrollment:
Immediately following checkout, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access the course through the program dashboard (Kajabi).
You’ll also receive instant access to the bonus and pre-work.
You'll access the exclusive OLD MONEY community telegram group.
Each module will be dripped delivered weekly, starting with 7 days after enrollment.
Important notes:
The course is constantly being updated and added to! That means you’re getting even more than you’re paying for. All additions and updates will be uploaded to your course dashboard and an announcement is sent via email to all enrollees.
You will have unlimited and forward access to the course for as long as I offer it.
if you’ve never worked with me, here’s what to expect:
My work is both relational, spiritual and practical in nature. This means…
We do guided ancestral healing journeys
(often described as meditations, ‘shamanic' journeys and trance/energy work)
We talk through real life details, stories, narratives and experiences
(many of my clients say they’ve never been more vulnerable or more seen before working with me [in a good, healing and transformational way!], and also share that they love and appreciate how authentic, transparent and REAL I am about sharing my personal life experiences, wins, loses and lessons learned that helps them look more deeply into their own lives, paths and intuitive knowing. it’s because of this, my group offerings have a whole other layer of healing associated with them—re-coding yourself for to feel safe and belonging in community. I cherish this about my calling, work, gifts and kinds of humans I attract.)
We craft bespoke strategies and plans forward that are informed by your personal and ancestral healing experiences
(for my logical, type-A friends ;) I’ve got you! We make this work REAL in the physical, tangible, earth-realm. You will enjoy “assignments” that are unique to you so that your works match your growing faith…this is what we call moving knowledge into wisdom.
my method has resulted in my clients transforming their relationship to making & managing money, and experience of working & creating
Imagine no more…
🚫 doubting your ability to afford something you desire
🚫 talking yourself out of your next level of abundance
🚫 fearing and avoiding your bank account
🚫 giving out of little to no resource (in any way)
🚫 feelings of lack showing up in your life as you navigate your work, career, job, business, calling and passions big and bright!
Imagine only experiencing…
✅ following your immediate YES for the right investment
✅ unapologetically centering your need, desires and potential
✅ enjoying bank alerts and dates scheduled with your money
✅ magically receiving more than enough from ease
✅ living and giving from overflow in all areas of your life—with your money, time, energy, love, gifts, and more!
“[Mid-way through the program] I already received a $10k raise at work I wasn't even expecting! I'm interested in having more people pour into me financially -- as I am thankful for this program and how it's poured into me as an example that it's possible!”

Frequently Asked Questions
OLD MONEY is for all of us.
It doesn’t actually matter what your finances look or feel like right no, whether you’re rolling in the dough or considering the payment plan to enroll. It’s for any and everyone who wants to change their relationship with money at the root—for more, greater, better, free-er, and flowing-er (lol).
ow that while you are proud of who you are and what you’ve created, there’s so much more for you in this lifetime.. but there’s NO WAY on God’s green Earth you can go about creating or manifesting it the same way you’ve done it in the past.
Don’t second guess yourself, OLD MONEY is for you.
Safe Space to uncover, illuminate, be seen, be vulnerable, reconnect with your truth and heart, shed light, unravel, speak and witness truth, understand, unlock, overcome, realize from the depths of your being, LOVE, appreciation, masterful sight and guidance and my absolute promise to serve, hold and support you with courage, compassion and integrity.
It won’t always FEEL good, but the medicine, healing, growth and clarity is SO WORTH IT.
Ask any of my previous clients HERE.
With only one (1) module of content released a week—in an EIGHT WEEK, EIGHT MODULE program—you have plenty of time to participate in this work and allow it to transform your life…and/or watch the replays.
Anything else is an excuse, conditioning and preference that‘s limiting you and your ability to change your relationship with money (said with love, compassion and respect).
In short, FUCK YES. LOL
The long of it…while we are already in session, you can still jump in and get the FULL experience of the course. Course recordings are immediately uploaded and you can submit questions on the modules you couldn’t attend live.
There is no better time than now.
This one is my favorite.
The collective narrative is hypocritical and it's got to stop—in one breath we are talking about women needing to make more money and have more businesses for liberation, access and power, and in the next we're talking about how we want a soft life, good men to support us, and have joined the anti-hustle movement. The thing is, unless you clear and cultivate your energy body for ease, expansion and abundance in all forms, you'll always be on the hamster wheel chasing to get, have and hold it.
You have already mastered learning more knowledge, advancing skillset for a tangible outcome, and getting advanced degrees, certifications and initiations. What is your growth edge now is clearing your energy field of only gaining by doing, and upleveling your identity.
You can choose to not enroll in OLD MONEY and go make more money hustling (and saying you’re not hustling), hire more team, or “train“ your husband for more help, or you can choose to join us over several weeks, re-attune your energy field to all forms of ease and expansion with money, and apply what teach you to embody it and allow this “work“—in it’s spiritual and practical nature—to be enough to attract so much more into your life.
Always players choice.
Over my 10+ years of experience, I’ve worked with some of the most powerful humans in leadership and business, leading major movements...AND stay at home moms, 9-5 workers and giggers.
I pride myself in my ability to curate incredible, truthworthy community and, both meet you were you’re at AND hold every participant at very high standards of confidentiality and respect for each others process.
You will be amongst peers, yes, but that’s the beauty of it—people all coming together from different walks of life to transform this pattern out of our lives in ways the people who came before us couldn’t or haven’t.
Your vulnerability is required, safe and welcomed here.
If that’s too much of a stretch for you, consider applying for ELEVATE Mastermind, were you’ll have more intimate calls with Ash.
At least until the December 31, 2024. You wil be notified well in advance if and when this changes—I promise.
Because of the nature of my work, the high regard I hold for my medicine, wisdom, energy, time and willingness to teach, AND the incredible rate I'm offering this at, there are no refunds or chargebacks, after the first 48 hours accessing this program.
By checking out you are in full agreement to these conditions, taking responsibility for your journey, energy and expectations, and are a FULL YES to the blessings I believe this work will support you in receiving.
I invite you to feel into what your heart (not body, or head) is saying and move from that space of truth as you make the decision to join me. I know you won’t regret!

ready to Allow your money to expand to match your desires and calling?
two enrollment options:
If you know this course is just the beginning of leveling up your relationship with money, and know you need/desire more intimate support, apply to Elevate Mastermind.
You’ll not only get the full OLD MONEY course (and its bonuses), but also all my other offerings are included the rest of the year as a member of Elevate!
If you are proceeding to enroll, I encourage and ask you to do so intentionally and powerfully. Join this course because you know your are called and desire to be with others who are too. Do this for your life, your lineage, your legacy.
By enrolling in this course, you agree to our Disclaimer, Standard Terms and Conditions and Terms of Purchase—that are also on the checkout page—which states the refund policy: If for any reason you are unhappy with this purchase after you view the bonus and prep materials and realize I am not who you'd like to learn how to change your relationship with money, you can request a full refund—no questions asked—within 48 of your purchase.
Afterwards, no refunds will be honored and chargebacks will be challenged with proof of Terms of Purchase.