A Guide to Ancestral Lineage Healing [Repair Your Whole Family Tree]


You are the generational pattern breaker in your family, right? 

But you're also noticing some patterns are still repeating and prevalent in your life also. Well, I want you to learn how to work with your ancestors so that you can actually heal your whole lineage and break these patterns.

Join me.

Hey, there I'm Ash Johns.

I'm an ancestral healer and certified psycho spiritual life coach.

I work with women like you who are ready to unseen generational patterns and ancestral traumas so that you can go off and create a life of freedom and abundance, whatever that means for you and your people.

Ancestral Lineage Healing May Be The Answer You’ve Been Looking For

So I am all about breaking down ancestral healing and ancestral lineage healing, because I find that all of this personal development that we are doing is only kind of scratching the surface, just getting at the tip of the iceberg of what's really going on in our family systems, in our psyche, in our energy bodies as a collective human species.

The whole idea of doing ancestral lineage healing, or whole lineage healing in the way that I do it, is truly about you coming into a whole relationship with yourself and your people, yourself and those who came before you.

So that's a really unique point of view because everything out here is always through the lens of you. You can change your life. You are the answer you need to change your thoughts. All this identification in the I when we are so much more than just one person, we have many personalities inside of us. We walk with many people who came before us, and we are part of an ecosystem of humans around us who affect our day to day lifestyle.

I've prepared a nice little freebie that you can download at any point in time.
It is called
"8 Paths to Freedom", the lay of the lands.

It gives you a nice overview of ways that you can start to explore ancestral healing, and the link will be provided at the end of this blog. The purpose of this video is to give you a nice overview of what it is and why you should explore it a little bit more. You can kind of break it into four different categories if you will. 

Get the behind the scenes of making this video on my free private podcast stream (plus all the bloopers and personal stories making it) : https://bit.ly/insidersprivatepod

Calling In The Collective Perspective 

So the first thing about whole lineage healing is to realize that it's more than just you, even though we want to see the results and the abundance and the love and the connection, all the good stuff, experience in your own life, the process of that happening is way beyond you. And the reason why this is so important, truly let me bring it home for you, is because a lot of times when people come to work with me, they're exhausted.

They're exhausted with personal development. They believe that mindset doesn't really work, or it only works for a little while. They keep experiencing anxiety or trauma or whatever, whenever they visit their families or they see themselves starting and stopping and things in their life. And they've done a lot of things. They've worked with a lot of people. I would know, because I've done that, right?

And it wasn't until I was like, "Wait, what's the core thing here that I am experiencing that's keeping this pattern happening in my life and keeping me from fully stepping into my fullness and what I desire?" And as I started doing that, it would always go beyond my mother or beyond my father, beyond my grandparents, further in life. That “furtherness” calls in the collective perspective.

So the first point I want to make is that whole lineage healing is really looking at the whole system of who you are and what affects you, what's been inherited, and also what blessings and birth rights are you carrying that are not being leveraged?

We get into whole lineage healing by going through four different processes, right? It's part of the entire process, but I want to just break it down into areas if you will, or checkpoints or steps along the way, even though they're not steps, right?

Step 1: Self Discovery and Continual Self Mastery

So the first thing is that we always go into self discovery and continual self mastery.

If you've done any personal development work, you've done therapy, you've done anything that allows you to look at your thoughts, your beliefs, aspects of who you are, what are your real desires? What ticks you off? What turns you on, what sabotaging beliefs and practices and ways of holding yourself show up and truly, what do you believe?

We need to have a grounding of who you truly are holistically.

The good, the bad, the ugly, the charming, the sensual, the scary, the passive, pleaser. All of the things that Instagram therapists have told us, no knock on them, but we all for the most part are versed in some type of way, shape, or form of who we truly are? And if you're not, that's the first place that you want to start before you get into whole lineage healing or doing ancestral healing, because you need to have a foundation of what are your fears and who are you?

And I can tell when my clients want to skip that session or that process, which is forever, right? You're always getting to know yourself. You're always in an intimate relationship with yourself and healing and understanding and accepting yourself, right? But when my clients skip that process and they want to go straight to getting answers from the ancestors, they have a hard time integrating. They have a hard time standing in their truth. They have a hard time metabolizing and just bringing in the lessons and the teachings of the ancestors and the ancestral realm into this physical lived experience, into your actual life

So please, the difference between going to see a medium or getting a reading, and actually doing whole lineage ancestral healing, is that it always starts with you foundational. Let's get you stabilized in yourself and trusting yourself so that when things are revealed in the lineage, you know exactly what is real, what is false, and what to do. So aspects of self, self discovery, continual self mastery is a requirement in whole lineage healing.

Step 2: Identifying Self Limitations 

The next thing that I guide my clients through and that we build upon from the self discovery phase is really identifying those limitation blocks and obstacles that are both personal. They are yours, but they're also familial, from your family. They are cultural from the society and the people that you come around and how culture has been shaped.

And so as you get to know yourself, by doing self discovery, all these things of like, "Oh, I learned that from my mother." Or, "Oh, I saw that through media." Or, "Oh, every woman is required to do this or thinks this or we are told to do this." Starts to come up. And it's so important when you know what your own limiting beliefs are to start to separate, "What is something that I truly believe? And what are things that have been put upon me?" Is a crucial, crucial process. And those things happen very closely together. These are, again, I'm saying steps or phases in whole lineage healing process, but truly these start to unfold organically together.

So as you start to know yourself, you start to see exactly what are the limitations in thought and body and energy personally, familiarly, which goes into ancestors, and then culturally. We got to know what is stopping you. And here's a little hook, a little tip here. Everyone usually says something very light and generic that's just a scratch of the surface. No knock, not being shady. They'll be like, "Oh, it's fear."

Let me tell you, honey bunny, it's always more than just the word fear. Fear of what? Fear of what will happen, fear of how you will be seen, fear that you will not have love, belonging, get your needs met, be accepted, right? Those foundational things, you need to get crystal clear on what the fears are because it's more than just the word fear. And that alone is an excavation that is incredibly eye opening because one of the reasons we're on autopilot is because we just say, "Oh, I'm afraid." Or, "Oh, I'm fear." Or, "I don't know the outcome." We got to go deeper. Okay?

So before I go further, I just want to ask you a quick question, and in the comments I would love to know if you have experienced a moment in your life where you knew that you wanted different or you were called to different in your life and no matter what you did, you still kept seeing the same pattern or the same block showing up in your life? No matter how hard you tried or who you worked with, are you still experiencing less than what you desire in your life?

If that is true in any aspect, do share a little bit about that for me in the comments. I do keep an eye on them and I would love to respond and give you any insights that come through to me based on what you're sharing. And trust me, you are not alone. That's why I invite you to share in the comments.

Step 3: Connecting With Your Ancestors 

Now, the next thing I want to point out as it relates to whole lineage healing is the next piece is then connecting with your ancestors. Once you know who you are and you're continually cultivating that space and you're starting to see what these limitations and blocks truly are beyond just the word fear, now we know that they live inside of you and beyond you, right?

I often have a very specific exercise that I ask every single client, whether they are private or in a group, to ask themselves. And it allows them to identify exactly how much of their fear is actually theirs. And when they do this, I promise you every single time it comes back that this is 80% not mine, only 20% or 25% or 10% is truly me from my own lived experience.

So when you realize that's when we know it's time to start doing ancestral healing, because no matter how much mindset work you do, therapy work you do, or any other modalities these things live deeper and beyond you in your lineage.

So this is the point where I teach you how to connect with your ancestors, not just through an ancestral altar, not just through tarot cards and readings, but you directly have a birthright, spiritually, to psychically connect with your own people. They are around you. They are yours. You are theirs. You are already in an unconscious relationship. So it's an opportunity to bring you into a conscious relationship with your people, yourself, to initiate the healing in the lineage, with the dead and also in your life, as a living person, right?

That's whole lineage, healing. Healing happening in your living life with you and also with the dead people, all of them, not just one, not one ancestors showing up and telling you what to do, but all of the ancestors who've passed on who have the same wound, have the same pattern, starting to heal it themselves and let go of it so they can fully cross over.

So it's not just any ancestor you connect with. When you start getting into this phase of the work, you are working with an elevated ancestor. And I talk all about how that works inside of my private containers and in my programs.

So if you're curious, you already know what you want to do.
Definitely get on my email list.

You get notified of when those programs are opening and you can do that by simply downloading the free ebook, Lay of The Lands. It takes you through eight paths of freedom just to get you started on your ancestral healing journey. Just explore what modality might work for you.

So we're never working with just any ancestor, okay?

And this might upset you, but this is not about connecting to your grandma or your father who passed away when you were a child or your long lost twin who died in the womb. That's another kind of work. When I say whole lineage healing, we are looking to go far back into your lineages to connect with an elevated ancestor who can assist us in the work that you're here to do in your life and in your lineage, right?

So this is not about you doing the healing for the ancestors. I'll talk about that further in future videos, but whole lineage healing is not about you grieving and understanding all the narratives of the dead people who came before you. You will burn yourself out and that is not a healing experience. That's not what whole lineage healing is.

But I will tell you that when you get to this aspect of whole lineage healing, you are looking to restore your ability to trust the process because the healing is actually bigger than you, and it is happening within you and around you.

It's a truly holistic experience from the living realm here, this earthly space and also in the spirit space. So as the healing is happening in your lineage, and you've connected with an elevated ancestor who's assisting that on the other realm, it's now time for you to come back and adjust what is happening in your body, in your lived life day to day. And that is the final section, if you will, of the whole lineage healing process.

This is the part where you get to embody the blessings that have been coming up from the work that you're doing with your elevated ancestors. This is where you start to tap into your ancestral power, your ancestral wisdom, and while it might not logically make sense in this realm, it is absolutely making sense in your body, in your spirit, and it starts to manifest quickly in your external world and in your life.

So while the healing is happening in the lineage, you step into embodying, integrating, and applying the wisdom that is flowing now from your lineage to you as the living face of your people. This is when you have an entire lifestyle change and shift. This is where you start manifesting easily. This is where your desire starts to come to be. And people start to show up that you want, opportunities come into your life, and you now have the mental agility, the energetic agility, and the embodiment to seize the opportunity and be in your power and in your life as an amazing woman and generational pattern breaker.

Step 4: Seek Support and Guidance 

So this is also the moment where you want to seek additional support and guidance. So there might be someone who specializes in wealth growth, or who is all about embodiment and sensuality and dance, or you start picking up new hobbies and you want a trainer to teach you languages, or you start traveling the world and doing things. This is where life starts to open because you've done your work, your ancestors are doing theirs, and you get to be the living face of the change we all need to see.

Yes, there are tears in this work.

Yes, there's lots of joy and healing.

There's an incredible amount of love and a lot of compassion and courage.

But if you are interested, I invite you to seriously download my book, Lay of the Lands, it's only 14 pages.

You can flip through it and start to get a better sense of where you would want to start your ancestral healing journey, how you can step into whole lineage healing, and truly break these generational patterns by unearthing these ancestral traumas and wounds at the core with your ancestors.

And when you download it, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @ashinspires. I love to see people reading my work. I love to know how it's impacting you or what questions you might have. So feel free to tag me @ashinspires on Instagram.

with love, devotion, and trust on my path,

Ash x