Ash Johns

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is it a curse or is it learned behavior?

This blog post was originally emailed to my newsletter list. If you’d like to get my writings delivered in real time to your inbox every week, join my list here. I’d love to have you!

9 out of 10 inquiries I receive for ancestral healing work include some version of the phrase "family curse" or "something deeper blocking me and I don't know what" in them.

Thinking of this, it got me wanting to share a lil bit about what I know about learned behavior (human conditioning) and family curses (spiritual manipulation).

First things first, the answer to if your family's recurring negative patterns are curses that need to be cleared or learned behavior that need reprogramming is that it's.... BOTH.

I know when we read 'curse' we immediately imagine spells, rituals under the full moon, hexing, jars, and / or personal effects wrapped with other spiritual items for sorcery and energy manipulation because someone did someone wrong and they needed revenge or whatever. At least that's what my super woo woo, spiritual and witchy folks know and think 🔮

And those things are real and possible, if imma be hella honest with ya'll on my email list (which I always am).

But that's not the kind of curse going on with most of our family patterning coming up to be healed, I'm sorry to disappoint.

And while some of think of sorcery, the rest of the world is sitting in piles of psychology books, family therapy articles, and self-help instagram posts trying to figure out how they can choose to be and live differently than "What Happen to You" (a great book btw), knowing that "It Didn't Start with You" (another great book).

Thing is, any lived experience that alters the natural energy body of your life, also affects the energy body of your lineage if not acknowledged, dealt with and healed.

And the not dealing IS THE CURSE.

The curse then creates symptoms in your life.

It's also the start of a generational pattern of dis-ease.

Any traumatic experience—and we humans are at no shortage of experiencing trauma—has the power to "curse" your life and family, taking over your identity, mind, thoughts, and behaviors, while etching a new way of living...surviving even... as a cloud of limiting energy over the mind, body and spirit of your self, loved ones and lineage.

From there, the experiences of your life reflect the new energy imprint, further imprinting the energy wound into your family of origin (and culture, community, and groups you identify with and belonging to...).

I call these the symptoms, not the core wound.

It doesn't matter if you access the core wound via your own mind, our the spirits that are a part of but also beyond you, true and lasting ancestral healing requires a change of energy that is deep and embodied.




The Spirit part is not only your own spirit.

It includes your ancestors...who are spirits transitioned on and into the other realm.

If you’re curious about how to break generational patterns stopping you from creating a life you deserve and is your dream, check out my 3-part workshop series Break the Patterns & Level up! With over 400 participants, it one of the most impactful masterclass and workshop series I’ve ever offered!

So this evening, I invite you to consider if your personal healing journey includes shifting your inherited family curses...and how.

This evening, I invite you to consider how you can call in and include your dead ones in creating more energetic freedom not only in your own life, but up and down your whole lineage.

More likely than not, the patterns of energy creating limitations in your life, and in the world, live in your mind, body and with your spirits.

I talk about this in the latest episode of my podcast (that I haven't been speaking much about ;)

with love and devotion to my path,

Ash x

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